#6036: Colorized Output for testsuite shell
    Reporter:  jperras    |          Type:  RFC    
      Status:  new        |      Priority:  Medium 
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x    |     Component:  General
     Version:  1.2 Final  |      Severity:  Normal 
    Keywords:             |   Php_version:  n/a    
Cake_version:             |  
 With the intent of improving the CakePHP wrapper to the SimpleTest command
 line reporter, I have created a modified cli_reporter.php which allows
 basic colorization of the output generated by the testsuite shell.

 The colorization should only occur for non-Windows environments (since the
 colorization is achieved using Bash escape color codes), but I have no
 Windows machine to test it on at this time. If someone could confirm this,
 it would be most helpful.

 I have attached a diff of the modified cli_reporter.php file, as well as a
 few screen shots of colorized output for the purpose of demonstration.

 While there is still much that can be done to enhance the console output
 of the testsuite shell, I simply wanted to provide a proof of concept and
 garner any comments and/or suggestions that the community might have.
 Please leave them in the comments section of this RFC.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6036>
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