#6070: Recommend MediaView Change, appendExtension option
    Reporter:  esoteric    |          Type:  Enhancement
      Status:  new         |      Priority:  Medium     
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x     |     Component:  General    
     Version:  1.2 Final   |      Severity:  Normal     
    Keywords:              |   Php_version:  PHP 5      
Cake_version:  |  
 Basically I feel that the requirement in the MediaView for the extension
 to always be appended to the filename is not in the best interest for
 everyone, not all files have extensions and sometimes it is not always
 possible to strip the filename passed to the name variable when dealing
 with data directly from the database.

 The attached diff allows for the option of 'appendExtension' to be used in
 the params array of the MediaView to allow the user to turn off the
 appending of the extension to the filename. By default it will remain on,
 to allow backwards compatibility, etc ...

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6070>
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