#6159: PaginatorHelper filters out the 'plugin' option if it's set to null
    Reporter:  ZiziTheFirst  |          Type:  Bug    
      Status:  new           |      Priority:  Medium 
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x       |     Component:  Helpers
     Version:  1.2 Final     |      Severity:  Normal 
    Keywords:                |   Php_version:  n/a    
Cake_version:                |  
 I'm using ''PaginatorHelper'' in my plugin. However, I need the sorting
 links to point to a different controller outside the plugin (I can explain
 the reasons if it's important).

 The URL is set in my view:
 <code php>

 Sadly, the last line in PaginatorHelper::link function looks like this:
 <code php>
 return $this->{$obj}->link($title, Set::filter($url, true), $options);

 The Set::filter function filters out the 'plugin' setting, which leads to
 links still pointing to my plugin, although I clearly specified otherwise
 in the options.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6159>
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