#2955: [PATCH][TEST] Javascript Helper link method should allow for 'defer'
    Reporter:  drayen                                        |         Owner:   
        Type:  Enhancement                                   |        Status:  
    Priority:  Low                                           |     Milestone:   
   Component:  Helpers                                       |       Version:  
    Severity:  Trivial                                       |    Resolution:  
    Keywords:  javascript helper defer IE drayen mark_story  |   Php_version:  
Cake_version:                                                |  
Comment (by juan_basso):

 Why close? You're giving a solution that makes you have to write more
 lines of code javascript or force the use of a javascript framework. This
 is the intention of a framework?[[BR]]

 In addition to defer, is the charset that can be defined in the script
 tag. It would be interesting framework to give users the possibility to
 use all the features offered by the W3C.[[BR]][[BR]]

 How about reconsidering?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/2955#comment:7>
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