
I downloaded TiddlyWiki some time ago and sice then I have been
wondering. Why is the order of words relevant when searching? This
means when I search for say "Term1 Term2" I get 2 hits. But when I
search vor "Term2 Term1" I will get only 1 hit.
Today I noticed that it is obviously possible to change this behaviour
when I had a look at the YourSearchPlugin from Abego Software (http://
tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#YourSearchPlugin). At least it behaved
as I would like it to on the webpage. After downloading the tiddler to
my local wiki it was respecting the word order.

Can anyone tell me how I can switch the wiki to search for all the
words in my query and neglect the order of the words?

cheers Carsetn

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