Greetings from the other side!

I'm now at a web agency having left Osmosoft a few weeks ago, and am
hoping to use TiddlyWiki as a reporting tool here (giving clients
status updates, recording minutes, etc.). I'll be publishing the final
results. There's a couple of things I'd like to ask for help on

In fact the tool will be based broadly on teamtasks (http://, partly because of the task management element
but also I like the look and feel. I'd like to extend the
functionality to allow me to create meeting minutes and weekly reports
easily, as well as tasks.

Both the minutes and the reports will just be simple forms. For
instance, the meeting form will look something like this:

Action points:

I'd like this form to be created when I click a 'new meeting' button
at the top. I'm expecting (to start with at least) that the form will
simply be a pre-populated tiddler, containing wiki markup to create
the form.


..and so on. Perhaps a bit like how 'new journal' creates a new
tiddler containing different content from 'new tiddler'. Does this
make sense? I'm confident I can create the button but beyond that
would like to ask for some pointers please!

Any help much appreciated!
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