I use mgtd extensively for work too.  I do something a little like
Simon suggests.  If a project has become so low priority that nobody
seems to care about it,  I sometimes make it "someday/maybe".  At some
future review time, when it seems more important (perhaps because
higher priority work has been done), I promote it to active, or leave
it as someday/maybe.  In the meantime, all the actions and subprojects
are removed from my actions lists, making things clearer.

Sometimes I put a tickler in the someday/maybe project, just to remind
me to review the project, say in a month.  Tickers are always work,
even in s/m projects.  You see them in the "upcoming tickers"
dashboard and they trigger on the day.

Or if my project is waiting on another department (for example,
waiting on the network dept to make a large network change, which will
take some time, perhaps months), I sometimes make my project someday/
maybe.  All of the actions and subprojects are thus removed from my
action lists.  At weekly or monthly review time, I see that someday/
maybe project and remember to chase the department I am waiting on,
promote the project to "active" or just leave it as s/m.

On Nov 6, 3:42 am, "Daniel Baird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is not answering your direct question, but let me be a little
> presumptuous and suggest that you take 50% (or 75%) of your lowest
> priority projects, and move them all to "Someday/Maybe".  You're not
> gonna be working on them this week anyway, right?
> You're doing a weekly review of everything, so when a project becomes
> important, move it up.  If you're worried that some projects will
> never get done, that's not a problem with your system, it's a problem
> with your workload -- you have too much work!  Say no to some of your
> projects.  Cutting your workload to a sane level feels bad that day,
> but really really good the next day and forever after :)
> Cheers
> ;Daniel
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 1:58 AM, Javier Cuadrado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all ...
> > I'm using mGTD at work and it works very well. I run it on Safari
> > (faster than firefox) and it works pretty well, but later on I will
> > start reporting some bugs.
> > The point is that I have a lot of Projects and Next Actions so I've
> > implented "Project by Priority" (one of the suggestions of this
> > group). I also find "Action Dashboard by Project" very useful and I
> > use it very frequently. Now, my question is:
> > ¿Is there any way of having Action Dashboard by Project BY PRIORITY?
> > j.
> --
> Daniel Baird
> /to be or not to be/ => /(2b|[^2]b)/ => /(2|[^2])b/ => /.b/
> ...optimise your regexes, people!
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