Hi Phillz,

that's nice. Two questions:

1) your macro uses an external rendering service. Do you know anything
about that service's reliability? I mean, can we trust it will be
working tomorrow?

2) wouldn't it be better to write a TW formatter instead of a macro?
That way it wouldn't introduce any additional markup and the job would
still be done by simply replacing things like $\sin x$ with an image.

PS: I find your example on limits rather confusing. It seems you are
mixing two ideas, limits and continuity of a function, contradicting
yourself in the way. I know that it has no value in itself, you are
just presenting an example of what your macro does.

Paulo Soares

philz wrote:
> I wrote this very simple macro to use math on the web.
> As cool as AsciencePad and jsMath, the former requires large
> alterations to tiddlywiki and the latter doesn't seem to work on the
> most current version of TW.
> My macro is simple, and doesn't require any alterations to Tiddlywiki.
> The disadvantage of it though is that it will likely preform slower
> that the two aforementioned plugins and it uses Latex rather than
> ascii to display the math.
> I haven't put up any metadata on it or did much commenting for that
> matter.
> The code can be found at this tiddler:
> http://www.geocities.com/philip32189/#LaTexMath
> an example of it's usage can be found here:
> http://www.geocities.com/philip32189/#[[The%20Limit]]
> Also what is a prefered hosting service for Tiddlywiki's that is free
> and isn't tiddlyspot (it sounds kinda kinky)
> Thanks a bunch
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