I searched for "launchApplication toolbar" here and on the
tiddlywiki.org site and  "macros" but couldn't figure it out.

Here's what I'm looking to do:
I'd like to have a button labeled "paint" on the edit menu, that when
pressed launches an autohotkey script that plunks in the date and time
into the title, a certain word into tags, and another
launchApplication statement with the name of the new fileName.bmp I
will have just created (for future editing), and a <<tiddler
fileName.bmp>> so I can see the drawing when I come back to the
tiddler in the future.

I'm guessing I'm going to have to declare something like
.config.paint = bla bla bla

somewhere, so I can plunk the word "paint" into the editTemplate
toolbar line.

Can anyone help me please? (I'm going to a seminar in a week that will
involve a lot of drawing and I'd love to be able to keep a good flow
going taking notes - If I draw on paper, I inevitably lose it before I
get a chance to scan it in)


Dave Parker
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