> Is it possible to link from an outside html file directly to a tiddler
> within a tiddlywiki?

That is called a "permalink", and it looks like this:


When you load the document, if there is a #TiddlerName in the URL,
then the normal [[DefaultTiddlers]] list is bypassed, and the
specified tiddler title is opened instead.

Note: if your tiddlername contains spaces, they need to be *URL-
encoded* (using %20) and surrounded by doubled-square brackets
([[...]]) like this:


Also note that, to use the permalink with other, non-browser apps that
can handle embedded URLs (e.g., many email programs), you need to URL-
encode the square brackets as well, like this:


   "[" = %5B
   "]" = %5D

Last note: except for the encoding of the square brackets, you can
instantly create a permalink to a given tiddler by clicking the
'permalink' command from that tiddler's toolbar.  When clicked, the
address shown in your browser's URL field will automatically be
updated to append the appropriate "#TiddlerName" suffix.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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