I use Mr. Pearces TiddlerEncryptionPlugin[1] that via;

<<option chkShowDecryptButtonInContent>>

provides an option of presenting an [Encrypted] button in the tiddler
instead of the encrypted code.

But, apparently, the setting does not survive as it is saved and then
opened on another computer - i.e the encrypted tiddlers are presented
with the encoded text visible instead of the button, and the above
optionbox is unchecked.
(I'm using it for a public TW hosted on TiddlySpot)

But, some checkboxes clearly "make it" between computers such as those
in the Options panel.

So, how do I set the above option permanently?

Thank you!


[1] http://www.remotely-helpful.com/TiddlyWiki/TiddlerEncryptionPlugin.html
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