OK I have tried several times  times to get started. Not only are my
wheels spinning backward, they are running over me!

I started with the "empty.html" (Firefox is browser)

Single  click Site Title

     Site Sitle shows-
Double Click and a box shows. Edit Site Title (TEST TITLE) In the
larger box add "This is a test."

At this point I decide to "save changes" Right hand box

Get Internet Security warning:

A script from "file://" is requesting enhanced abilities that are
UNSAFE and could be used to compromise your machine or data:

Run or install software on your machine

Allow these abilities only if you trust this source to be free of
viruses or malicious programs.

I say allow and message that the file has been saved appears.

BTW, I checked the box to let it happen in the future but that seems
to not prevent other messages but that isn't the issue.

Look for the file in the browser and open it. Back to ground zero.

Can someone write a TW that can be downloaded to show HOW TO GET
STARTED and where to look for a file that is saved is saved?

And what's this "security message"? At least I don't get THAT when I
put a post it note on my monitor.

I'm flustered and disappointed in this package that was supposed to be


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