FET's WHERE clauses are evaluated as JavaScript statements - so you can 
stick pretty much any JS code in there (though it should evaluate to a 
boolean, i.e. true/false).

> store.getTiddlerSlice(tiddler.title, "number") == ">=8"

What you want there is probably the following:
     store.getTiddlerSlice(tiddler.title, "number") >= 8

> store.getTiddlerSlice(tiddler.title, "number") == "/\d{1}/"

Try this:
     store.getTiddlerSlice(tiddler.title, "number").match(/\d/)

> Can you use a sytax similiar to: ("Task" does not = "Test Task")

Your code looks fine, but can be a little simplified:
     store.getTiddlerSlice(tiddler.title, "Task") != "Test Task"

Since you had to bump this a few times, a few friendly tips:
* stuffing both questions into a single thread probably led to confusion
* a more descriptive title would have been useful
* while it's great that you're providing demos, you should turn those
  into minimal test cases - i.e. one document per issue, containing only
  and precisely what's required to replicate/illustrate that issue

Personally, I often deal with threads like these in between other tasks, 
and the points above help me keep the time and effort to a minimum - 
which in turn means it's more likely I'll be able to respond.
I assume others around here handle this in similar fashion.


-- F.

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