I also wanted to do this, so I cobbled together some pieces of scripts
to do it several months ago.  Not because I'm at all proud of it, but
in case it helps someone (particularly someone who could improve it!),
I've put an example at http://cmaristandard.tiddlyspot.com/

The script is in a tiddler called ListLinks. Putting <<tiddler
ListLinks>> at the bottom of any other tiddler will generate a list of
all the links contained in that (other) tiddler.

The script requires InlineJavaScriptPlugin. It also uses the
PartTiddlerPlugin and TableSortingPlugin, although those wouldn't be

A couple of notes:
1. The part where I got in over my head was when I couldn't figure out
any way to avoid  geting "TypeError" in my results list.  Installing
the DisableWikiLinksPlugin and adding "TypeError" to my
DisableWikiLinksList solved the problem, I don't really know why.
2. One thing still on my wishlist: I'd prefer it if the results list
didn't repeat duplicate links - I'd rather have a count.
3. Looking at my results now I see that URLs are also not considered
"links".  I don't need that but others might.

On Mar 20, 2:08 pm, RA <nameany...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose I have a long tiddler with links (WikiWords or [[...]])
> scattered throughout. At the bottom of the tiddler, I'd like to
> display all the links again, in a list. How can I automate that?
> Thanks.
> -- R.
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