Following some help from Eric Shulman, I wrote myself a routine that
collects information from an HTML form, runs it through a format
string, and places it somewhere inside of an existing tiddler.

This kind of routine could probably be modified to create a brand new
tiddler with questionnaire results. I haven't posted it anywhere
(except once somewhere in this forum) but I could again if there is

You would have to rewrite your quiz as a real HTML form, though. You
use checkboxes throughout, but radio buttons would be more
appropriate. As it is, someone could be simultaneously Nervous and
Certainly Not Nervous. You know, I've had days like that.

In order to be useful for later processing, you would want to think
about how the results are organized. I'm guessing that putting each
answer into a slice would be most appropriate

q1: 1 <answer is 1 to 3>
q2: 3

In any event, the final results need to be in some format that TW can
easily grab. There are also sections, data fields and the <data>
plugin, but to me this seems most easy to edit any mistakes.

And of course, each questionnaire would be tagged as "SDQResults" (or

Then you could write, or have written a routine in a tiddler that
would process each tiddler, and apply whatever process you want
(sorry, I didn't look at your PDF).

Just some thoughts,

-- Mark

On Apr 15, 4:11 pm, dickon <> wrote:
> Hi.  following on from my intro about the TiddlyManual project the
> other day (novel manualization of psychiatry/psychotherapy
> interventions), I have two more specific and technical questions.
> First, I'd like to be able to make forms out of a tiddler so that the
> user can type information straight in without having to switch to the
> edit mode (whcih would scare the most technophobic therapists!) - I am
> sure this can be done, but I can't work it out - sorry.
> Then, I'd like to be able to sort out a simple algorithm to "score" a
> particular questionnaire called the SDQ (Strengths and difficulties
> Questionnaire -
> This is a very simple and mercifully short questionnaire that is
> surprisingly valid at highlighting clinical vulnerability in children,
> and has been tried out on zillions of children worldwide; it also
> seems to pick up clinically-useful CHANGE over time (helping us
> measure whether we are doing any good or not).
> The Q's are divided into a number of sub-sets that address specific
> symptom areas (Emotional symptoms, Conduct problems, Hyperactivity,
> Peer problems, and Pro-social features) and each Question is scored
> Not, Somewhat or Certainly true... so it is a question of assigning
> certain scores to certain tick-boxes (see the scoring system 
> here: , and also assigning
> certain sets of tick-boxes to the different symptom areas.  Ideally
> I'd generate a score at the end that consists of sub-scores within
> each of the symptom areas mentioned above.
> I can make the boxes (see
> and search SDQ to see where I've got to...), but getting into the
> further details required to generate a score defeats me!
> Best wishes,
> Dickon Bevington
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