I'm a newbie. It has just occurred to me that my tiddlywiki page looks
awful on internet explorer. I use firefox so I was blissfully unaware
of this issue. Until now. I have tried several templates available out
there like Mptw and MonkeyGTD, advertised at tiddlyspot.com : they too
don't display well with internet explorer. For instance, when you
resize the character size (CTRL+ or CTRL-) the relative position of
the menu items gets garbled (the characters and the space between them
don't shrink or expand in proportion to one another). For instance,
the subtitle disappears under the main title. Since I expect some of
my visitors to use internet explorer, this is a concern. (I understand
that tiddlywiki was initially conceived as a personal diary of sorts,
but more and more it is used to create websites with visitors.)

Any recommendation for a template that renders reasonably well with
internet explorer?

many thanks,

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