Thanks Paul, I'll give it a try...

On May 20, 3:38 am, "Paul Downey (psd)" <>
> > There's a discussion 
> > here:
> > ...back in October about this experimental plugin that gives you
> > "slices with multiple columns"
> I think the word "experimental" was really around whether the
> functionality was suitable for inclusion in the core. I don't think
> that conversation has moved on since then.
> The plugin is here:
> > Is this something that will be worked on any further?  
> Well, it does what I needed at the time, and little more.
> > What I mean is,
> > should I be using this in a big project, or is there a more current/
> > stable way of doing the same thing now?
> Not that I'm aware of .. I suggest you give it a whirl, and let me
> know if you have any issues .. I'm keen for this not to balloon, so
> might push back on requests for new features, but that doesn't stop
> you or anyone else building a version which better suites their needs,
> in fact I'd encourage that since there may indeed be better approaches
> in this area worth exploring.
> Paul (psd)
> --
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