On Jun 5, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Morris Gray wrote:

> I highly recommend NestedSlidersPlugin for its versatility.  There is
> also a brand new plugin from http://treeview.tiddlyspot.com/ that has
> an Explorer look to it.
> You can see a full implementation of it here 
> http://twt-treeview.tiddlyspot.com/
> it has a few switchable themes as a demo.

I feel guilty asking, this Morris, since I'm capable of contributing  
next-to-nothing to enhancements of TiddlyWiki, but I wonder if you  
could create a color theme for TWT/TWT-Treeview modeled on that of  
Blackicity? < http://tiddlythemes.com/empties/Blackicity.html >

Thanks -- either way, i.e., even for just entertaining the idea.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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