Hi Chris

Thank you for your answer - and your technical advice, even if my
questions show just how little I understood of it all in the first
place ;-) I'm a little wiser now.
I hope someone reads this, and gets inspired to make systems or
TiddlyWebapplications which let someone like me (low level user] - run
it from a normal webinstall or local server - I would be glad to test

Thanks again.

YS Måns Mårtensson

On Jun 12, 8:39 pm, "cd...@peermore.com" <chris.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 11, 8:20 pm, Måns <humam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Followup on:  TiddlyWeb from an usb 
> > stick?http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_thread/thread/7d884c...
> > Just a question out of curiousity - I discovered 
> > web2pyhttp://www.web2py.com/
> > which comes prepackaged for Mac and Windows, (use source code in
> > Linux) no need for installation and it can be run from an usb-stick.
> These sorts of things will eventually be possible with TiddlyWeb but a
> pre-packaged distribution hasn't been built yet. There's at least
> three reasons for that:
> * I've been personally prioritizing other things.
> * Nobody else has stepped forward to do it.
> * We're still finding bugs in the core of TiddlyWeb and since it seems
> likely that a pre-packaged installation will be upgraded less often
> than one that uses common Python upgrade procedures, it makes sense to
> not have one available until it is fairly stable. Right now there's a
> new release of TiddlyWeb about once a week (in fact it is time for
> another one).
> > I've never went as far as to learn to use ruby on rails or python. And
> > I wonder if I have to know a lot about these things to be able to use
> > TiddlyWeb?
> At the moment, working with TiddlyWeb does require some experience
> with running and installing Python programs. This will become less and
> less true with time as packaging improves (as above) and as people
> start releasing system that are build on top of TiddlyWeb.
> Also at some point managed server hosting of TiddlyWeb is going to be
> possible. This is something I've been working on, on and off, for a
> while, but there are still some UI issues and scalability issues to
> address. If there are people out there who are chomping at the bit for
> a hosted TiddlyWeb offering please contact me so we can work on this
> together.
> > - Anyway, I've read that the Jquery library is a part of
> > web2py, and that you can setup your own applications and databases -
> > and serve html-pages from it - so I ask:  Has anyone tried to setup
> > TiddlyWeb as an application with Web2Py?
> web2py looks very interesting but is not something that would host
> TiddlyWeb as an application. In the stack of services, applications,
> types of code and such, TiddlyWeb and web2py occupy the same place:
> they are both web application servers.
> Even if one wanted to make TiddlyWeb run within or alongside web2py it
> would still require the installation of TiddlyWeb's dependencies so
> web2py all-in-one benefit would be lost.
> On the other hand, someone who was particularly interested could re-
> implement the TiddlyWeb HTTP API[1] on web2py. This would be well
> within TiddlyWeb's original remit, which was to create a reference for
> such an API.
> > I didn't find any documentation on if Web2Py is an OpenSource project
> > - but it looks pretty open though - Heres a link to a description of
> > it's API:http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/default/api
> There's info here:
>    http://www.web2py.com/examples/default/download
> about licensing, downloading and source availability.
> [1]http://tiddlyweb.peermore.com/wiki/#%5B%5BHTTP%20API%5D%5D
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