I assume it's in this part:

// automatically add saveAs to backstage
config.tasks.saveAs = {
        text: "saveAs",
        tooltip: config.macros.saveAs.prompt,
        action: function(){ clearMessage(); config.macros.saveAs.go(); }

On Jun 25, 8:54 am, Michael Johanson <michael.j.johan...@gmail.com>
> Hello fellas,
> I'm using the plugin SaveAsPlugin (http://twhelp.tiddlyspot.com/
> #SaveAsPlugin) which puts a "save as" button in the backstage menu.
> What I would like is having that button in the right hand menu, if you
> look at an original TW and its layout:
> ----------
> close all
> permaview
> new tiddler
> new journal
> save changes
> (save as)  <------
> options >>
> ----------
> Is there a ready code for this? Else any help with getting this done
> would be much appreciated! :D
> Where and what should be changed inside the SaveAsPlugin code?
> (I'm not a great coder)
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