Hi Dave,
Maybe I'm not understanding the problem exactly, but here's another
If you're using "ShowWhen" in the view template, then it only affects
the actual tiddler continaining both the form and the <data>.
So when you viewing contents of that form (the <data>) in another
tiddler (in transclusion), the ShowWhen won't be triggered.

On Jul 7, 3:31 pm, eskimo07 <esk...@kabsi.at> wrote:
> Hi Dave
> >  I tried
> > <<tiddler ProblemTemplate>> and it just showed blank fields, and I
> > tried a ShowWhen thing in the viewTemplate and that also just showed
> > empty fields.
> maybe you have the same mistake that I have 
> done:http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_thread/thread/6cb996...
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