I think if FND, who was most involved previously in asking us to help
with documentation, could come up with a master list of topics that
need documentation, and if users could post here their additions to
that list, we could create a master list. The second step would be
finding a way for people to 'sign up' to do individual items on that
list. This approach would be better than just to have a wiki and say,
"Go browse the wiki and figure out what's missing." That is too
nebulous for me.

I created one of the 'quite old, and out-of-date' tutorials at the
time to get non-techies interested in TW. But various factors
conspired against my continued work on it:

1. I have my job and my passion in other areas, and TiddlyWiki was a
means to an end for me. My work to popularize TiddlyWiki was more to
help myself get the feel for it than anything, and now I have moved on
from the 'tinkering with TW' stage to the 'actually working with TW'
stage. I still use TW every day. But I don't come here very often and
I am not trying to create new stuff with it.

2. Morris has a much more complete tutorial, TW help. Last time I
'updated' I just basically took the stuff off his that I thought I
ought to have in mine. I don't see the point in doing that again.

3. The upgrades to TW make doing a tutorial a moving target. I don't
have the time or the know-how to keep up on all that.

4. Just as I was getting out of my tinkering phase, the wiki
documentation project was just getting underway. It got held up by
discussions on what the front page should look like, and I needed to
move on, and FND ended up doing much of the work, as far as I knew.

Anyway, if a master list of needs were created, I would be happy to
adopt a (small) section of it to write, especially a less technical
section. If we could all just take a section or two, we could make it
more helpful.

One thing that would help us all as we think about writing
documentation would be an 'version chart' - a list of the changes to
TW by version, and key things that are and are not doable in each
version. That way while writing we can keep in mind that users will be
approaching the documentation with different versions of TW.

I recently made myself a TW archive to remind me how to do certain
complex items in TW. Like, what are different ways to do to-do lists
in TW. Something like that would be kind of cool, parallel to the
documentation, sort of a showcase of functions and special features
within TW to pick and choose from.

This is off topic, but I must say that for a while, a couple years
ago, there was a lot of activity creating themes and bookmarklets and
use for education, and Saq Imtiaz was at the heart of that, and I miss
that. That was the most fun part of being in the midst of the TW
action, seeing new themes and ideas for TW, and it seems to have more
or less ended other than treeview, glass, and a few others. At the
very least, I wish someone could take over TiddlyThemes and get that
started again, as it hasn't been added to since 2007.

Many blessings to you all,

Dave Gifford

On Jul 10, 3:36 am, Alex Hough <r.a.ho...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On the 'jQuery: "little applications as demonstration models for
> people to try and see some of the advantages of jQuery"' thread [1]
> Cory S made some comments and suggestions [2] about from the
> perspective of someone knowing little about html, css, javascript and
> jQuery, and about the problems on relying on help from the group and
> many TiddlyWiki help sites being 'quite old, and out-of-date'
> FND has made some good points on 'Announcing Tiddlywiki 2.5.2' :
> "Perhaps that's due to it being a MediaWiki instance, so we might set
> up TiddlyWebWiki there at some point in the future if that's desired -
> but I don't think that alone would resolve the issue."[3]
> Wolfgang thought that a TiddlyWebWiki was a good idea and Jeremy
> thought "I think we're all a bit sad about the barriers to
> contribution on the mediawiki instance at tiddlywiki.org. And the
> dissonance between mediawiki and tiddlywiki is awkward."[4] Given that
> TiddlyWeb is close to a '1.0 release' [5] I would like to propose that
> we could experiment with a TiddlyWebWiki instance. This would be good
> for TiddlyWiki help and TiddlyWeb adoption.
> But FND is very wise to state that this alone will resolve the issue.
> This is a coordination issue in the first instance. Requests,
> suggestions, ideas and wishlists need to be collected in the same
> place. Starting this thread is an attempt to do this.
> I wonder if those interested in documentation could form a special
> interest group – simply by using a set of conventions for
> communication would do it e.g. posting discipline, perhaps some skype
> action?!? – to look at the task in an organized way.
> I think that:
> 1) incremental change can't really get us any further;
> 2) it is a good time for the community to make an attempt at
> optimising its self organisation;
> 3) in an open source community, the lead should come from community
> endeavor (ie it should not be dependent on funds from sponsors – in
> TiddlyWiki's case BT and Unamesa
> I see two steps toward better documentation.
> 1) find out what people want: they can post to this thread, (or needs
> can be collected on this thread?)
> 2) design a solution to be implemented on TiddlyWeb
> Alex
> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_thread/thread/7b248a...
> [2]http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/msg/42e022937a91f83f
> [3]http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/msg/eee861fc76ea2007
> [4]http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/msg/036f21bb6fdd0500
> [5]http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlyweb/browse_thread/thread/a8532a3...
> [6]
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