cmari wrote:
> I have been having similar trouble.  I tried the plugin in an empty TW
> (version 2.5.3) and still couldn't get it to work.

Mans wrote previously:
> > You can test it here (in "Noter (Besked i fagsiden:):") 
> > :

In order to test in any kind of useful way, I need a *minimal* test
case that demonstrates the problem *and* eliminates as many causes as
possible.  Typically this is done by installing the suspected plugin
"in an empty TW", (as cmari did), so that I can immediately try a
*simple* test case, without needing to suss what the rest of the
document is about or how it has been customized.  Of course, some
problems aren't reproducible with a simple test case, so the fully-
customized document *must* be used, but this should be avoided if at
all possible.

When a truly minimal test case document is available, I am more likely
to reproduce the problem and find a solution within a few minutes, as
compared to the hour or two that was spent unsuccessfully
investigating Mans' highly-customized document.

... and, indeed, I've found the problem with this plugin and have
fixed it...

Get the update (v1.5.1) here:


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