Hi Eric

I will try to recontruct:
I read Wolfgangs message thenI went directly to tiddlytools - found
the documentation. Read the last update line saying: 2009.09.17
[1.1.0] added '=fieldname' syntax for 'field grid'..

Then I installed the plugin. Went back to the documentation - Read the
Usage section - But did *not* see this line: "If a slice name begins
with "=" (equal sign), then it will be handled as a custom tiddler
field reference, rather than a slice reference."
However I copied the examples to a tiddler and checked that they
I went back to the documentation and tried to find any hint on how to
address the fields - without luck...
As a matter of fact - I enjoy reading the documentation for plugins -
and I often miss documentation with examples of use - not from you

One of the reasons I follow threads here is that I look for examples
of use and try to learn how to do more with less - eventually...

I *must* have overlooked the line: "If a slice name begins with
"=" (equal sign), then it will be handled as a custom tiddler field
reference, rather than a slice reference." - And it bothers me if I
did - To me slices and fields are two different things -and it doesn't
seem logical to me that slices:=SomeName should fetch a fieldname -
but then again I must have missed the sentence - and I don't think I
would have *if* it was one of the parameters in the first example:
hence: <<sliceGrid [[tags:tag tag...]] [[slices:slice slice...]]
inline wikify edit all cliplength verbose>> could have given me the
answer by implementing the fieldsyntax:
<<sliceGrid [[tags:tag tag...]] [[slices:slice =field slice
=field...]] inline wikify edit all cliplength verbose>>

Eric -
As a child my Math teacher started a consultation with my parents by
saying that there were certain areas of mathematics I hadn't grasped
yet - As I recall he diverted us with how much I didn't understand
untillm, in the end, he proclaimed that there was an abyss of things I
didn't master,  when it came to mathematics...

I have met this mix of mistrust and wonder several times before during
my own schooltime --- I must say that I can live without it - and I
don't miss the feeling of total incompetence...

This situation (and one or two earlier incidents) has similarities -
and I like to say that I do what I do as thoroughly as I possibly can
- as you know, I translate everything as I go along - and it keeps the
pace down -

I'm a slo'learner - *but* I learn - that's a fact - !

If you slo'gram - it should be possible to find some sort of eye level
- -

Thank you for asking - and trying to find out what is going wrong with
my comprehension - but I *can* promise that many of the challenges I
encounter, when "grappeling" with TW aren't neither typical nor
languagerelated. (not common sense anyway )

The reason why I keep on trying to do things with TiddlyWiki is that I
see an opportunity to make my own way in a system which is so open
that even someone like me -  can navigate in it - and find solutions
for problems that was beyond reach before I knew  TW ...

Still - Thank you very much for going that extra mile with me... You
have done that several times - and my hope is that someone else
reading this thread might get answers that they wouldn't otherwise ...
It's semi-Socratic to try to meet the student halfway in the question
and it's neccesary to acknowledge the urge to know *and* the "fire"
which is lit - the heart has to be touched - before you can hope to
pass on any knowledge to a student.

Grundtvig http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolaj_Frederik_Severin_Grundtvig
wrote something like this (This is danish poetry - and not so well
tranlated - sorry):

Is the light for the learned only
to be able to spell right?
No, the sky is in several good
and the light of heavens is a gift
and the sun comes up with the peasant
not with the scholars
shines best from toe to top
who is more at work


YS Måns Mårtensson

On 19 Sep., 17:42, Eric Shulman <elsdes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > How do you edit custom fieldvalues with SliceGridPlugin ??
> > I tried:
> (some imagined syntax)
> > But none of them seemed to work...
> > YS Måns Mårtensson
> OMG.. I can't believe I'm about to write this... "RTFM" !!!!
> As you should know by now, along with my prolific code writing skills,
> I generally write pretty thorough *documentation* for my plugins.  And
> this case is no exception:
> http://www.tiddlytools.com/#SliceGridPluginInfo
> The "Usage" section clearly spells out the allowable <<sliceGrid>>
> macro syntax:
> ----------------------
> <<sliceGrid [[tags:tag tag...]] [[slices:slice slice...]] inline
> wikify edit all cliplength verbose>>
> ----------------------
> Furthermore, in the description of the [[slices:...]] parameter it
> states prominently in bold type:
> ----------------------
> If a slice name begins with "=" (equal sign), then it will be handled
> as a custom tiddler field reference, rather than a slice reference.
> ----------------------
> and, in the Examples section:
> ----------------------
> <<sliceGrid inline wikify edit tags:systemConfig [[slices:Version
> =modifier =changecount]]>>
> ----------------------
> (which demonstrates using a combination of slices ("Version") and
> fields ("=modifier" and "=changecount").
> It seems to me that the above Usage and Examples should be enough...
> however, despite my best efforts to describe and demonstrate the
> needed syntax, my documentation is, apparently, not being effective. :-
> (
> It shouldn't be necessary for me to provide *individual* explanations
> of general syntax and usage when I have tried to present that
> information "up front" for everyone to read.  Of course, no
> documentation is perfect, and occasional problems with complex use-
> cases or plugin bugs (gasp!) typically require direct assistance --
> which I'm happy to provide -- but that should be the exception, rather
> than the rule.
> Perhaps it is because English is not your first language.  Or maybe
> you are simply so excited by the new plugin features that you want to
> try them right away, without reading the instructions.  Or maybe my
> style of documentation is too abstruse for non-programmers?  Or maybe
> you just didn't read it (hence the admonition, "RTFM!")
> Regardless, I'd really like to understand the *origins* of your
> persistent confusion.  If I can understand where you are getting lost,
> it might suggest ways that I can improve my writing so that things are
> presented more clearly.
> To this end, please try to explain *exactly* what happened between
> your reading of Wolfgang's message about the new 'field editing'
> feature of SliceGridPlugin, and your attempts to use an imagined
> syntax that was not described (or even implied) anywhere in the
> SliceGridPluginInfo documentation.
> thanks,
> -e
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