Thanks.....that works well...and leads to more questions...

The code assumes there will be only one tag, with a value such as
"filename.html"........that is possible,.... but I use tags for other
information as well...obviously picking out the tag with the .html
extension is not going to be that easy. SO....can that code be changed
so that the "filename.html" information is held in a custon field the tiddlers have a customfield called, say "filename"
which has the appropriate .html name the code needs to read
fieldname:filename  and not tags......

And...the SaveAs plugin then asks to confirm the file name....asks to
confirm when the file exists and then asks to select to add the new
tiddler contents into the exisitng arquive....Obviously good
precautions...but having to respond so many times is a bit of a many entries will be fairly repetitive.

Is it possible to have the SaveAs plugin work more like that it uses the calculated information and then
just saves the data....adding new data into an existing file where
appropriate and without checking each time.....

And even more useful to me........rather than having to click the
saveAs botton in the toolbar....could the SaveAS plugin be activated
with "done" editing.....again like which
case we would need to have this automatic action turned on and
off.......via a config.options.chkSaveTiddlerLocally type of

Eeeeer...thanks in advance

On 13 Out, 18:22, Eric Shulman <> wrote:
> > Is it possible for SaveAs plugin to save only the current tiddler (via
> > SaveAs button in the viewtemplate toolbar).....accumulatively adding
> > to an existing file (most likely in PureStore format) effect it
> > becomes an online version of UploadTiddlerMacro...
> I just added a new option to SaveAsPlugin (v2.7.0)
> You can now use the keyword "here" in place of the 'filter' param to
> automatically save the current tiddler.   If the command is not
> embedded in a tiddler (or tiddler toolbar), then you will be prompted
> to enter a tiddler title.  Use the 'quiet' keyword to prevent the
> filter handling from reporting that '1 matching tiddler found'
> You can use the "filename:..." parameter with an 'eval param' to set
> the tiddler's title as the default filename that is offered when the
> standard 'save file' dialog appears.
> Place the following macro into a tiddler (e.g.,
> [[SaveCurrentTiddler]])
> ------------------
> <<saveAs "label:file" {{"filename:"+tiddler.title}} quiet here>>
> ------------------
> Then, install TiddlyTools' CoreTweaks #608/609/610 (toolbar syntax
> enhancements:
> Tweak #610 allows you to use a tiddler title as a toolbar command.
> When processed, the content of the tiddler (i.e., the "file" command
> link created by the macro) is automatically rendered into the toolbar.
> > If possible the SaveAs macro would also select which file to save to
> > according to the tags present in the tiddler in question.
> This could be done by specifying the filename:... param using the
> 'eval param' syntax, as demonstrated above.  The param could construct
> the desired filename by examining the tags.  For example, suppose that
> we were to store the desired filename as a tag ending with ".html",
> and that only one such tag would be on any given tiddler.
> Then, we could find and use that tag value as the filename param, like
> this:
> <<saveAs label:file {{
>         var fn='archive.html';
>         for (var i=0;i<tiddler.tags.length;i++)
>         if (tiddler.tags[i].indexOf('.html')!=-1)
>                 { fn=tiddler.tags[i]; break; }
>         'filename:'+fn;
> }} quiet here>>
> if a tag with ".html" is not found, it defaults to 'archive.html'
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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