Is there a plugin that allows the user to pre-define synonymous tags
tasty, delicious, yummy, "good tasting", ...

so that when a listing is run for the tag "tasty" (e.g via a fET),
then all tiddlers tagged with any synonym are also listed?

A particular - yet often encountered - situation that I've found is
for menus. For instance tagglyTaggingPlugin and the recent
TreeViewPlugin automatically structure tiddlers by tags into trees.
However, individual tiddlers are often tagged in singular form, e.g it
makes sense to tag "Mark Twain" with the tag "Author", But the menu
category header is ideally named "Authors" as there are many listed

Is there some plugin that lets the user pre-define synonyms in a list
and that then ensures that all synonymously tagged tiddlers are
included when one if it's synonyms are used in listings etc? A
"feature" must be to let the user only care about the "synonym-aspect"
while setting up the synonym-list. I.e when the user later tags his
various tiddlers he should not have to bother to remember anything but
only to tag along freely.

I guess a decent variant would be something that automatically
*converts* all tags according to a pre-defined synonyms list. E.g any
tag occurence of 'yummy' becomes 'tasty'. Could be upon saving the
tiddler or perhaps invoked via some global command, or possibly when
saving the whole TW. why do I have a feeling that the answer to my question if this
pllugin exists is "No"


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