Luis Gonzalez

I'm not involved in the missing manual, I have no idea

I was hoping the person responsible for it would chime in...

There were a few individuals before you that attempted what you're doing 
currently and I hope they're getting involved so their past efforts aren't 
forgotten.  I would go hunt them down (what I used to do professionally) 
but it's October and I'm working on my personal project (a family & 
memorial matter so it trumps everything else), S.S. over in the Docs group 
was working on documenting that looked very promising, Mohammad knows of 
his efforts.

I shall email GuideDoc wiki, its a single file wiki, will its siza be an 
issue with emailing?

The References Collective and Portal is here:

your project already has benefited me-- I learned a few things from it 
already : )

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