Tiddlywiki Folks,

I have a non-technical Tiddlywiki user with large (30-40MB) wikis of study 
notes containing lots of embedded images.  Ideally, I would like to provide 
a simple method of optimising these images during the process of dragging 
and dropping into the wiki.  Are there any good ideas out there for 
streamlining this process?

I know there are various on-line sites for image conversion and 
optimisation, like https://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-webp, and 
browsers also have some in-built image manipulation capability.

A plugin that automatically converted images when dropped into tiddlywiki 
would be ideal, but I fear this is a bit above my level of browser, 
javascript and Tiddlywiki knowledge.

In the past, I have used a simple bash script to run through the image 
files in a node.js implementation of the wikis and convert png images to 
jpg.  This provides some substantial reductions in Tiddlywiki file sizes.  
However, it would be much cleaner to do the optimisation at the point of 
adding the images to the wiki, preferably with some options related to 
resulting quality and size.

I would love to read your thoughts on this.



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