> So I initially planned on simultaneously maintaining structured content 
> using Google Sites, but I quickly got frustrated with that just like I got 
> frustrated trying to maintain my French-Acadian language lexicon with 
> Google Sites.

cool, I actually use your Acadian wiki-- incorporated Acadia, its history, 
people in my work.

I can understand the desire to preserve-- the culture I married into is 
also disappearing-- much of it is already gone 

I am so much happier and having an absolute blast using TiddlyWiki (it 
> seems to match exactly how I think!  Good?  Bad?  Maybe. 
> <https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/6984674-maybe-taoist-story-a-classic-ancient-story-illustrates-the-importance>
> )

no holding back now!1! just beware of Intertwingulitis...

look out, got stdetracked again-- a tree visual plotter for TW, wonder if 
railroad plugin could be modified for vertical vs horizontal?

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