Ciao Luis

   - Looking at the diagram there is a problem. Some of the vital styling 
   created by the Vanilla Theme (i.e. "hard-coded" basic CSS in TW) are often 
   cascades ... i.e. ".class1 .class2 .class3 etc.", not a single class. So 
   I'm not sure that single classes will capture the actual final styling so 

   - I think its great what you trying to do. IF I were doing it I would 
   concentrate on the styling of the main "divs" -- the fundamental layout of 
   the "page". The styling of elements within divs is pretty straightforward 
   and less of a complex issue, IMO.

   - You might find helpful looking at Thomas Elmiger's "Bricks Plugin 
   <>" that 
   systematically deconstructs Vanilla. Its good in that its a modular 
   approach that assists understand the CSS in Vanilla, as well as replace it. 

Best wishes

On Friday, 15 November 2019 12:12:53 UTC+1, Luis Gonzalez wrote:
> I am studying the css classes Tiddlywiki use to format its elements. I 
> made a little mindmap but I think I forgot many important classes.
> Can you help me to complete them?
> Thanks!

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