I will describe my use case on Linux, Windows should work in a similar 

My TiddlyWiki files live in /home/ubi/TW, abbreviated ~/TW. There I placed 
the script as twserver.py.
For a first test, I started it manually in a terminal window:

/usr/bin/python3 ~/TW/twserver.py

Then I pointed my browser to http://localhost:8080/. Status messages 
started appearing in the terminal window.

In the browser window a list of files and directories below ~/TW appeared.

I opened one of my TW files, notes.html, and created a new Tiddler. The I 
saved the changes.
1) backed up ~/TW/notes.html html to 
~/TW/twBackups/notes.html.YYYYMMDDhhmmss, creating ~/TW/twBackups on the 
2) saved the changes to ~/TW/notes.html.

Now I have to find out how / where I can add a call to the script to my 
startup or login procedures.


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