Here's an improved version which does a better job constructing the output 
tiddler so it doesn't insert square brackets.
It also attempts to guess at the working file name of the current tiddler 
and use that for a field "tiddlywiki", based on the only two fields that
are available for that function. These guesses could be wrong. The user can 
make sure they're "right" by manually setting
the tiddler value "$:/config/SaveWikiButton/Filename" to the file name of 
that tiddler.

\define indexvalue() """$(title)$|$(caption)$|$(tags)$"""
<$wikify name=indextitle text={{{ [{$:/SiteTitle}addprefix[index-for-]] }}} 
<$button>Make Index
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]]">
<$vars title={{!!title}} caption={{!!caption}} tags={{!!tags}} >
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<indextitle>> $index=<<currentTiddler>> 
<$wikify name=tiddlywiki text={{{ 
}}} >
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<indextitle>> $field="tiddlywiki" 

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