Hi Folks, 

TLDR; This post is important for you, IF your PC is always on, your browser 
is never restarted, your TW tabs are always open _and_ you use file-backups 
plugin V0.3.5 or earlier. 

If _all_ of this is true for you, I highly recommend to go on reading if 
you don't want to loose some data!


*More details*

FireFox has switched to a 4 week release cycle starting with FF 71. That 
means I have to test file-backups compatibility even more frequently than 
it was needed with the 6 week release cycle. 

I do test file-backups V0.3.5 and (V0.3.10 beta) with *FF-stable*, 
edition, FF-nightly and Cliqz browser* as soon as a new "stable" release 
will be activated.
Most of the time, some days prior to a new stable release. ... Just to be 
sure it still works.

We need to update file-backups V0.3.5 
<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/file-backups> plugin to 
V0.4.0 because *it will contain a much better update behaviour*.

At the moment, it's possible to loose data, if the AddOn is updated in the 
background, because of some oversights in early days V0.3.5.

Users, that use file-backups V0.3.10 beta [1] shouldn't run into the 
edge-case described below. See point 1) at What's New below.

File-Backups plugin is only active for tabs with a file:/// URL

*Data-loss is possible if: *

 - Your PC is always on *_and_*
 - Your browser is never closed / restarted *_and_*
 - Your TiddlyWiki tabs are open all the time *_and_ *
 - Browser AddOns are updated automatically

 - Browser update in the background _may_ cause problems, but I don't have 
evidence about this atm. 

It's edge-cases, but I know that there are some users, that use TWs that 
way. ... 

   - The easiest way to be safe for those users is to restart the browser, 
   once the AddOn is updated
   - Reloading a TW tab will do the same thing. 
*The problem at the moment is*, that there is *no visible indication*, that 
a new AddOn version has been installed and activated. (Sorry about that!)

What's New in V0.4.0

 1) The plugin, if downloaded in the background, will only be installed and 
activated at browser restart
 2) Memory leak fixed for frequently saved huge TWs
 3) File-Backups AddOn only uses 1 icon - The browser "diamond" icon
 4) The "diamond" icon gets an "orange" !-indicator 
         - The drop-down will show eg: new version ;)
 5) An "out of order" backup is created if a TiddlyWiki is saved for the 
first time
         - Only different names are detected.
         - If the AddOn is uninstalled and installed again the first save 
will create an "out of order" backup per new name.
 6) Backups are activated by default if the AddOn is installed
 7) Default number of backups was increased from 6 to 7 
 8) The plugin Options setting site was updated
 9) AddOn should work for "FireFox for Android"
         - At least it does for me ;)

have fun!

*PS - If you USE it: Support it <https://www.paypal.me/PMarioJo> :) *

[1] https://github.com/pmario/file-backups/releases/tag/V0.3.10-beta

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