Ah! thanks a lot. 


On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 11:24:31 AM UTC-4, Mohammad wrote:
> Hi Rahul,
>  See the answer! I also attached the example.
> [image: chrome_RULFP03ZQC.png]
> The trick is in Tiddlywiki always add an empty line to get the block 
> output. So add a line after *src:"*
> -- Mohammad
> On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 7:40:26 PM UTC+4:30, Rahul Kashyap wrote:
>> Dear Mohammad, 
>> Thanks for these amazing suits of plugins. I have been using it 
>> extensively in my work. 
> Glad it is useful!
>> I can across a bug as described in the attached screenshot. The details 
>> macro doesn't work with the monospace block formatting for some reason. It 
>> breaks when it encounters a double quote inside the block formatting. 
>> [image: Screenshot 2020-04-14 at 11.03.50.png]
>> Thanks and Regards, 
>> -Rahul
>> On Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 4:28:31 PM UTC-5, Mohammad wrote:
>>> *Announcement:Shiraz plugin*
>>> *Date: Feb 7th, 2020*
>>> *Release: 2.0.15 beta*
>>> *Status: beta under development*
>>> A new beta update is available.
>>> This update contains tons of new features and improved documentation. 
>>> The focus is now on dynamics tables.
>>> Dynamic tables in Shiraz is a subset lite version of Revolutionary 
>>> plugin TiddlyTables by Alaan Aldrich. So all kudos goes to Alaan.
>>> This version has an example of creating task manager using table-fd 
>>> which demonstrate how powerful are dynamic tables in Shiraz!
>>> All of these are based the wonderful transclusion in Tiddlywiki.
>>> As always I welcome all your feedback and comments and hope your 
>>> evaluation help improving the Shiraz plugin!
>>>  Those who update from Shiraz 2 beta note that, the table-fd, table-id 
>>> parameters are renamed for better compatibility with other part of Shiraz 
>>> plugin.
>>> A tutorial of latest changes has been attached!
>>> Demo: https://kookma.github.io/Shiraz/
>>> Code: https://github.com/kookma/Shiraz
>>> Star it if you like it and send your feedback!
>>> Documentation proof reading for English is welcome!
>>> A permview 
>>> <https://kookma.github.io/Shiraz/#demo%2Fdynamic-table-concept:demo%2Fdynamic-table-concept%20demo%2Ftable-from-fields%20demo%2Ftable-from-indexes%20demo%2Fdynamic-tables-numerical-summary%20demo%2Fdynamic-tables%2Ftransclusion%20%5B%5Bdemo%2Fadvanced%2Fdynamic-tables%2Fcustomize%20footer%5D%5D%20demo%2Fdynamic-tables%2Fcustom-numerical-summary%20demo%2Fdynamic-table%2Ftask-manager%20demo%2Fdynamic-tables-template>to
>>> see the latest changes (like tutorial)
>>> Best wishes
>>> Mohammad
>>> Revision 2.0.15
>>>    - Date: [6th Feb 2020]
>>>    - [NEW] the table-fd supports special column template tbl-checkbox
>>>    - [NEW] the table-fd supports column templates priority, status, 
>>>    due-date
>>>    - [NEW] task manager example using table-fd
>>>    - [NEW] documentation for numerical summary in dynamic tables
>>>    - [FIXED] dynamic tables parameters are simplified like tblCaption 
>>>    to caption, tblClass to class, tblFooter to footerRows
>>>    - Warning: New update is not compatible with dynamic tables from 
>>>    older release. Use tiddler commander to resolve the issue after update.
>>> Revision 2.0.14
>>>    - Date: [31st Jan 2020]
>>>    - [NEW] table footer to be used for any type of summary
>>>    - [NEW] mathematics macros to claculate the below values for a column
>>>       - count
>>>       - minall
>>>       - maxall
>>>       - sum
>>>       - product
>>>       - mean (arithematic average)
>>>       - median

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