JWHoneycutt ,

Slightly off topic "Generating single File Tiddlywiki's for publishing"

Another approach for you to "generate" a tiddlywiki to save in a public 
location from you master personal wiki is the reasonably new Innerwiki 
plugin. You can determine which tiddlers in the current wiki will be in the 
new one, including all of them, but in this case just those to display the 
blog and its content, will be delivered to the innerwiki. The innerwiki 
plugin uses a data widget to set the tiddlers to use. Once the wiki is 
generated in the window, you can click in side it and save it out to a new 
single html file wiki and overwrite the previous one. 

This could become a very powerful wiki generator if one desired.

*back to static html files*

All I want from a static HTML generator is to generate a separate html page 
for every tiddler, such as when you cliclk in a link it loaded the full 
Tiddlywiki, thus supporting speed, SEO and yet using tiddlywikis 
interactive build. *Has any one done this?*


On Monday, 27 April 2020 14:00:03 UTC+10, JWHoneycutt wrote:
> :.butler @@color:navy;"You can use TW5.html or TW Node.js for your 
> personal wiki, but if you want to use TW as a static website generator you 
> need to use the Node.js version."@@
> After my prior post, I messed up the link to my personal blog hosted on 
> GitHub (this wiki).
> I found [[Eric Shulman's|EShulman]] comment elsewhere: 
> :.shadowbox """
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/TiddlyWiki/node.js%7Csort:date/tiddlywiki/Pwj4tERY0XY/4z9idZMFAQAJ
> If all you want to do is "serve tiddlywiki files"... then it is really no 
> different than hosting any other regular HTML file on the server.  Without 
> adding any additional server-side scripts (which could impact on existing 
> security protocols), you would simply upload an HTML file to the server 
> using whatever method is currently in place and approved by the University.
> The entire uploaded TW is then simply delivered to the brower just like 
> any other HTML file, and the javascript executes completely within the 
> client-side browser, which runs in a locked-down sandbox environment that 
> is not permitted to peform local file I/O.
> The user CAN make changes in the TW and save them to a **local file** by 
> using the default "download saver".  However, this does NOT create anything 
> new *on the server* and opening the locally-saved TW file will still be 
> secure since it is locked-down in the browser's sandbox environment."""
> ;So I 
> *Created an empty.html and added the tiddlers from my master wiki using 
> the advanced search filter `[tag[Public]]` and selected the JSON file 
> option from the dropdown list 
> *Saved "empty.html" using TiddlyDesktop (only save mechanism I am really 
> comfortable with), and renamed the file "index.html"
> *Uploaded it to my personal GitHub repository (that auto-publishes)
> And it worked.
> This is all done without Node.js, which I take to mean it is "Client side" 
> only. 
> So I remain confused why I need Node.js, and the Terminal commands at all.
> Maybe this will matter when I inevitably want to add a guest registration, 
> commenting system, etc...
> JWHoneycutt 
> ps. updated my site: https://jwhoneycutt.github.io - to see if I can make 
> the wiki track the updates

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