Hi Mark

could you send to me the examples you mentioned....using
InlineJavaScript to generate a form and and an example of the
serverside scripts you mentioned...so I can see how they are
built...if its not appropriate to put them here.....you can use


On 19 Dez, 17:58, "Mark S." <throa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> In general, generating forms on the fly should be possible if the data
> is regular. Using InlineJavascriptPlugin, I was able to generate a
> form that looks plausible, at least to the Firebug tool. Since I
> didn't have a handy script to invoke it against, I couldn't test that.
> It might be easier to slice and dice data if each class was in its o
> tiddler, but I suppose you're cutting and pasting out of a spreadsheet
> or something? Also you will probably need an additional field/slice
> for each class with a short 5 character id that can be used in the CGI
> script. This is necessary since each field coming back has to have a
> unique name.
> On the server side, I used to use or write data collectors that would
> either send *all* the fields, or forward certain fields that followed
> a naming convention. So the script might, for instance, look for
> fields that matched DATA_* in their names. In your case, you might
> have names like SKY_0912A_startdate, and just send back the fields
> that start with SKY (there are usually other hidden fields that don't
> need to come back).
> Mark
> On Dec 19, 5:32 am, Måns <humam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Skye
> > Eric made an advanced send form here:http://academy.unamesa.org/Application
> > I started a thread, where I tried to find out how to send it 
> > here:http://groups.google.dk/group/tiddlywiki/browse_thread/thread/ef46155...
> > I never got as far as to be able to send it from within the TW itself
> > - my collegues eventually mailed the TWform back to me.
> > Regards Måns Mårtensson
> > On 18 Dec., 23:28, skye riquelme <riquelme.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Ok....its not a plugin......its Erics "contact" tiddler...a simple
> > > html form with a  onclick "send" function...the actual form is quite
> > > simple...although I have managed to make it more complicated!!!!!
> > > It sends to form info to a serverside php script....which Eric sent me
> > > many months back...the heart of which is the line of code that I
> > > mentioned....
> > > Guess we need Eric to authorise me putting the php code up on this
> > > group???
> > > Thanks
> > > Skye
> > > On 18 Dez, 19:09, "Mark S." <throa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > > Could you point out which plugin or technology of Eric's you are
> > > > using?
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Mark
> > > > In this case, you might have fields that were
> > > > On Dec 18, 9:32 am, skye riquelme <riquelme.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Hi All
> > > > > I am using Erics (TiddlyTools) contact form so that people can send me
> > > > > an email...registering for courses.
> > > > > I can change the form to include new courses...using check boxes and
> > > > > dropdown lists of up-coming courses......and managed to change the
> > > > > mailtext.php file that resends this information as an email...so that
> > > > > it passes on the information from the contacts (html) form.
> > > > > The issue is that new courses keeping coming up and older  courses
> > > > > dropping off the list (they are passed/finished)...so I will be
> > > > > continually and laboriously editing the html and php scripts all the
> > > > > time........
> > > > > ...SO is it possible to have the html form dynamically generate the
> > > > > courses lists....maybe from tiddler slides? and include this into the
> > > > > form ?...........AND then have the serverside php script use the same
> > > > > info to structure the construction of the body of the email.
> > > > > It may be easier to give an example......
> > > > > A tiddler...or part of one (using tiddler.name##part names...or
> > > > > slices) has the information about courses....
> > > > > NameCourse#1, startingdate#1, startingdate#2 startingdate#3...
> > > > > NameCourse#2, startingdate#1, startingdate#2.....
> > > > > ....
> > > > > ..now script in the mail form tiddler converts that information into
> > > > > something like -
> > > > > NameCourse#1<input name=NameCourse#1 type=checkbox /><sub><b>Select
> > > > > date:</b></sub><br/>
> > > > > <select name=NameCourse#1Dates >
> > > > >  <option>startingdate#1
> > > > >  <option>startingdate#2
> > > > >  <option>startingdate#3
> > > > > </select >
> > > > > <br>
> > > > > NameCourse#2<input name=NameCourse#2 type=checkbox /><sub><b>Select
> > > > > date:</b></sub><br/>
> > > > > <select name=NameCourse#2Dates >
> > > > >  <option>startingdate#1
> > > > >  <option>startingdate#2..................
> > > > > STEP 1 - do-able?
> > > > > STEP 2 - I imagine more tricky
> > > > > The courses information...gets copied (I guess manually) into the
> > > > > mailtext.php file.....and now it generates the code so that the
> > > > > information from the html form is formated into the body of the email
> > > > > that is sent....resulting in something like ---
> > > > >                 else { // send message
> > > > >                       mail($to,$subj,'[ Visitor IP: '.$id." 
> > > > > ]\n\n".$name."\n
> > > > > NameCourse#1: ".$NameCourse#1. "selected date: ".$NameCourse#1Dates
> > > > > $."\n NameCourse#2:"........"\n".$msg."\n\n From: <".$from.'>');
> > > > >                         echo "Thank you. Your message has been sent";
> > > > >                 }
> > > > > I am imagining this will not be so easy...and I see it as a great tool
> > > > > for anyone using TWs online and interacting with the public.....I hope
> > > > > this is possible...the other alternative might be GoogleDocs
> > > > > Forms........but I am much more comfortable inside a TiddlyWiki !!!!!!
> > > > > Thanks in advance
> > > > > Skye


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