HI, I have been using Tiddlywiki for months for my studying notes and I 
love its features very much.
I am excited to see Freelinks which has the auto-linking features that I 
have been looking for.
Currently, I have around 700 tiddlers. When trying the plugin, I notice an 
obvious delay when opening new tiddlers and clicking the wiki links.
After disabling the plugin and refresh, the performance becomes normal 
again and tiddlers pop up fluently. 
I understand that live linking like this is quite performance-demanding. 
Therefore, I would like to ask if there will be a feature of processing the 
tiddlers themselves by adding [[]] automatically to relieve the drop in 
performance. I think it will work well with the rename tiddler link plugin.

Thanks for reading this experience and I appreciate the new plugin very 

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