Hi Odin,

Have a look at the tiddler 
$:/plugins/kookma/refnotes/macro/bibtex/showrefs. You can make your own 
output style there, and fiddle with things as you want; this will move the 
year and add DOI and page range.

\define custom_output(p)
<$wikify name=p2 text=<<__p__>> >
<$set name="curtid" tiddler=<<p2>> field="title" emptyValue="RefNotFound">
<$reveal type="nomatch" default="RefNotFound" text=<<curtid>> >
<li><$view field="bibtex-author" tiddler=<<curtid>>/> *(<$view 
field="bibtex-year" tiddler=<<curtid>>/>)*, <span style="text-transform: 
capitalize;"><$view field="bibtex-title" 
tiddler=<<curtid>>/></span>,<i><$view field="bibtex-journal" 
tiddler=<<curtid>>/></i>, <$view field="bibtex-pages" tiddler=<<curtid>>/>. 
DOI <$view field="bibtex-doi" tiddler=<<curtid>>/>. </li>
<$reveal type="match" default="RefNotFound" text=<<curtid>> >
<li style="color:red;">Reference <b>$p$</b> NOT FOUND. Check your 

The in-text formatting is governed 
by $:/plugins/kookma/refnotes/macro/bibtex/ref; this will give you (author, 

\define ref(tid)
<$set name="ref-tid" tiddler=<<__tid__>> field="title" emptyValue="RefNotFound">
<div class="mr-tooltip refcls">
<$reveal type="match" default=<<ref-tid>> text="RefNotFound">
<$link overrideClass="link-refcls">
[<$view tiddler=<<__tid__>> field="title"/>]
<div class="mr-tooltiptext ref-notfound"><b>Warning</b>: Reference Not 
Found.<br>Click to create it:<<create-notexisted-ref "$tid$">></div>
<$reveal type="nomatch" default=<<ref-tid>> text="RefNotFound">*(<$view 
tiddler=<<__tid__>> field="bibtex-author"/>, <$view tiddler=<<__tid__>> 
<div class="mr-tooltiptext">
<$macrocall $name="displayref-onhover" refTid=<<ref-tid>> />

mandag 11. mai 2020 12.32.30 UTC+2 skrev Odin Jorna følgende:
> It seems that the https://kookma.github.io/Refnotes/ refnotes plugin uses 
> another type of reference style than the A.P.A. style that I am used (or 
> supposed to use) to.
> It is possible to use this plugin to create A.P.A. style reference? It 
> uses this format: Author, A., & Author, B. (year). *Title of book.* 
> Publisher. 
> or Author, A., & Author, B. (year). Title of article. *Journal Title*, 
> *Volume*(Issue), page range. DOI for scientific articles.
> So the example reference in the plugin: N.E. Amadeo and M.A. Laborde, 
> Hydrogen 
> Production From The Low-Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction: Kinetics And 
> Simulation Of The Industrial Reactor,*International Journal of Hydrogen 
> Energy*, *1995*.
> would look something like this: N.E. Amadeo and M.A. Laborde. (1995) Hydrogen 
> Production From The Low-Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction: Kinetics And 
> Simulation Of The Industrial Reactor,*International Journal of Hydrogen 
> Energy*, *Volume*(Issue), page range. DOI
> The in text reference would be: (Amadeo & Laborde, 1995) instead of :  
> [Amadoe-1995]
> <https://kookma.github.io/Refnotes/#AMADEO1995949>
> Is there a way to change the formatting in the plugin code?

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