>>    - Provide a config tiddler such as $:/config/TOC-Generic-filter with 
>>    a default filter than can be modified, for example some may want 
>>    "[all[current]!is[system]]" some may not
>> you are right. I will look into that. But are you talking about the 
> filter for toc, backlinks etc. or a filter for witch tiddlers to show it on?

First I was thinking just which tiddlers to show it on. In an open wiki I 
may use  "[all[current]!is[system]]" because I only want it on "non-system 
tiddlers", but in other cases I may have such as has[object-type] or 

>>    - If possible allow the ability to toggle the feature on or off 
>>    individual tiddlers
>> If hiding it is the exception not the rule, you could permit any tiddler 
to have a field hide-references = yes in which case you do not display it, 
even if you do not provide a toggle for this it allows manual intervention.
However in the first filter above one could say !hide-references[yes] so 
this can be achived if you provide the first filter.

> I thought of this, but that is problematic because you could get false 
> negatives. 
> say you have a tiddler showing no references. you dont know if that is 
> because there are no tag, backlinks, list or listed, OR it is because you 
> at some point in the past excluded it. my workaround is the ability to hide 
> everything behind the "references" button. Though I am all ears for better 
> suggestions.

Actually being able to force something can be an intentional negative or 
intentional positive.You may say enable it on Control Panel but not 
advanced search.

> One finally thing to consider is the space consumed by you solution to 
>> display, you can seperate the toggling of content from the display of the 
>> content so only one line would be used until content is displayed. I can 
>> explain this method if you wish.
> you are right. yes please explain. are you thinking of having all the 
> folded lists-buttons on one line beside each other?

If you seperate the way you toggle a set of things, from the way you 
display them you can do this;

Eg a section of checkboxes whose default is show as normal. but if checked 
creates say $:/state/hide-references with the value yes, we may call this 
hide references

Below in your tiddler you wrap the display of references as
<$list filter="[{$:/state/display-references}!match[no]]" variable=nul>
display references here

Note how by saying "not match no", both empty and yes will display the 

In this case I am using a global state tiddler, but you can qualify it to 
make it local only
<<qualify $:/state/display-references>>
I think you will have to use a set or wikify to capture and reuse this 
value in both the checkbox and the display list.

Others like to use the reveal widget here (not me)

If you are able to write the filters for toc, backlinks etc. you can write 
a filter to find them all, followed by limit[1] then wrap the whole display 
of references etc.. in a list widget with this filter.
Then the references will only appear if there are even just one toc, 
backlinks etc. 



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