
On Friday, May 15, 2020 at 5:16:12 PM UTC-4, Scott Sauyet wrote:
> My recent success dynamically building a stand-alone TW to document a 
> corporate system -- with many thanks due to helpful people here! -- has 
> made me want to revisit something 
> <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/2E5bvI1KI_E/hwJfG1oLAgAJ> I 
> stopped working on several years ago when I changed jobs.  It's another bit 
> of documenting a system (this time a code library)  by dynamically 
> generating a TW.  I have most of the pieces in place given what I've done 
> recently.  (It's behind a corporate wall, I'm afraid, so I can't share, but 
> it's working quite well.)
> But there is one piece that I haven't even considered yet.  If you visit 
> the Ramda documentation <https://ramdajs.com/docs/>, you will see in the 
> top-right of the code examples the choice of visiting that example in Ramda's 
> REPL <https://ramdajs.com/repl/> or to open it inline.  For the inline 
> part we're embedding <https://runkit.com/docs/embed> RunKit 
> <https://runkit.com/>.  This is a nice feature for library 
> documentation.  Sanctuary.js <https://sanctuary.js.org/> has something 
> even nicer.
> I have no problem trying to write my own version of something like this as 
> a TW plugin, but I was wondering if this has already been done.  Searches 
> for REPL and Tiddlywiki turned up nothing useful.
> Are there any code sandbox / REPL plugins already available?  Or is there 
> anything similar that I might look to for inspiration, some way to sandbox 
> some dynamic JS code away from the TW environment?
> Cheers,  
>   -- Scott

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