​Birthe C wrote (layout changed by me):

> ​... ​all the great work done by Alberto Molina​ ... *​**he had to start 
> over several times*. 
Tags, type-field, other fields among other things. 
And how to put titles together. 
It changed from the beginning to the last incarnation, I believe it was 
> http://magictabs.tiddlyspot.com/ and http://bottomtabs.tiddlyspot.com/ 
He obviously knew what he wanted and created beautiful tiddlywikies.

​Great example! Highly pertinent.​

​I'd add the finished beautiful, showcase too:​ 

But still not quite satisfied though.
> It seems the titles always end up being the object of discussio​n.

​I think it's unavoidable because of the centrality of Titling to 
ordering/access in both TW and scholarship​.

> Planning ahead for a life of study is not easy. 
> Luhmann found his system and stuck to it.
> Really would it be any easier for everyone to take up his system totally 
> and analogue, stick to it through life. I Doubt it.

​Right. But nonetheless interesting.

FWIW, when you dealing with resources external to a TW a kind of "stubborn 
materiality" (actual singular objects) remains important.
For instance cataloging art works​ and discussing them.
Or, at a slightly more abstract level, film appreciation where one may be 
interested in different "vectors" (title, genre, style etc., etc)

The Luhmann & Molina's strongly *commit *towards a solution finding *their* 
"practical contexts of meaning".

My point in the OP was to try make clear there is no *one *way. You can use 
TW like *driving *a car made of fragments. And also *build *a new car that 
makes-up the fragments differently.

In an a way its obvious. But its not maybe as explicit as it could be that 
we are overwhelmingly "wet-ware" first :-)


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