I'm generally happy with node.js serving a TW which is used by multiple 

I have a 'personal' TW and a 'work' TW and a my wife's TW, all served up 
via a node.js instance.  I routinely access my personal TW from my work 
laptop, my personal laptop, and my chromebook.  

I've had very few data problems with this arrangement.  I don't *ever* 
update the same tiddler concurrently!  For the rare cases where I need to 
revert a change, I'm using gitwatch to auto-commit my tiddlers to git.

On Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 10:35:15 AM UTC-4, Willy Tanner wrote:
> I am coming to depend on Tiddlywiki more and more these days and I am 
> wondering how I can use it best on multiple devices (macOS and iOS). For 
> the moment I am simply using a single html file on my iCloud Drive that I 
> am trying to remember to close once I am finished on one computer lest I 
> accidentally overwrite something with older content, thus losing all the 
> changes from in between. This is not optimal because it leaves me in a 
> constant state of anxiety (did I really shut down TW on the other 
> computer?) and also because it adds to the friction when that afterthought 
> also wants to be written (is it really important enough to merit opening TW 
> again?). 
> Are there more intelligent workflows for a single user scenario using 
> macOS and iOS that would alleviate the saving and syncing side of things?

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