
Quick tip: Wrapping even a list that contains actions widgets with a button 
is sufficent to trigger that action for every item in the list.

\define journalTiddlerName( ) $(when)$ $(project)$
\define state() $:/state/$(currentTiddler)$
\define createTodaysEntry()
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle="$(journalTiddlerName)$" tags="journal 
$(project)$" project=$(project)$ description="$(description)$" />

<$vars project={{!!project}} description={{!!description}} when=<<now DD-MMM
-YYYY>> >
<$list filter="[title<journalTiddlerName>] +[is[missing]] +[limit[1]]">
Create <<journalTiddlerName>>

Note that I changed the reference to 

Perhaps you could add to open the tiddler as well.

FYI when you use a value in the current tiddler to create a new one with 
the same values such as project I have started calling this "in context", I 
plan to release a "context tool" one day.


On Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 12:54:55 PM UTC+10, Lisa Wasserman wrote:
> I'm still trying to automatically create a new tiddler if one of the 
> required title doesn't exist.  My existing code is as follows:
> \define journalTiddlerName( ) $(when)$ $(project)$
> \define state() $:/state/$(currentTiddler)$
> \define createTodaysEntry()
> <$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<journalTiddlerName>> tags="journal 
> $(project)$" project=$(project)$ description="$(description)$" />
> \end
> <$vars project={{!!project}} description={{!!description}} when=<<now 
> <$list filter="[title<journalTiddlerName>] +[is[missing]] +[limit[1]]">
> <<createTodaysEntry>>
> </$list>
> </$vars>
> While I could get the list widget to display different strings, dependent 
> on whether the tiddler existed, I could not create a new tiddler.  After a 
> little reading, it seems that Action Widgets need to be triggered 
> specially.  Is there a simple method that I can use to trigger my 
> action-createtiddler, inside of my list widget?  I don't want to have to 
> press a button, when I always want to create a tiddler if it doesn't 
> already exist.

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