Merging Codes,

As with Hans I am intrigued. Your links are primarily to coding standards 
and hosting options. I am not sure what "large intranet for government 
using tiddlywiki" is conceived as. Riz points out that Jeremy has put an 
Amazon web service solution together with a lot of content for, I think, 
legal resources. So I believe he is the only one that is done this at 
scale, but I think Jeds Bob is running in a team environment.

The potential scope for the needs of a government Intranet are vast, and 
whilst tiddlywikis possibilities are vast, I do consider tiddlywiki a 
platform, I still feel the multi-user multi-access and security of 
tiddlywiki may not work well with a large intranet except in so far as 
publishing individual websites or software tools.

But if I knew more about what a Government Intranet would need... other 
than my own guessing.

Whilst I say Tiddlywiki may not be suitable, I continue to develop the idea 
of using tiddlywiki as a "business intelligence" environment. I am 
interested in loosely coupled tiddlywikis and using tiddlywiki to generate 
sites. I suppose what I am saying at this point in time such an application 
as a large intranet is in tiddlywikis future, but not here now. But we may 
start somewhere so it becomes in its future.

I have build extensive SharePoint Intranet sites, even tiddlywiki on top of 
sharepoint for a paid customer, but tiddlywiki is still seems only a niche 
solution at this point.

I too am intrigued about the idea of using it as an intranet environment 
and will give it more thought.

To  me it is a matter of scaling whilst keeping the modularity.


On Monday, June 1, 2020 at 8:25:22 PM UTC+10, Merging Codes wrote:
> What would be the best way to set up a large intranet for government using 
> tiddlywiki?  I want to put together a pitch about using TW for knowledge 
> management.
> This will hopefully give an idea of the IT resources at hand:

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