Wow! Looks like it worked! Thanks a lot, Eric!

"BUT..." :)  what if I want to make it a bit more complex? What if I want 
to make "MyFolder" also a variable?

e.g. if I have folders like "MyDocs", "MyImages", "MyData", "Downloads", 
etc. with this method, as I understood, I would have to make a separate 
variable for each, like:

MyGoto Macro:
\define godocs(text,file) <$vars folder={{MyDocs Path}}><<link2file 
"$text$" "$file$">></$vars>
\define goimg(text,file) <$vars folder={{MyImages Path}}><<link2file 
"$text$" "$file$">></$vars>
\define godata(text,file) <$vars folder={{MyData Path}}><<link2file 
"$text$" "$file$">></$vars>
\define godownloads(text,file) <$vars folder={{Downloads Path}}><<link2file 
"$text$" "$file$">></$vars>
\define link2file(text,file) [ext[$text$|file:///$(folder)$/$file$]]

with tiddlers [[MyDocs Path]], [[MyImages Path]], [[MyData Path]], 
[[Downloads Path]] defining path to the folders.

and the usage

<<godocs "My awesome document" "Agreement/doc1.doc">>
<<goimg "My Fabulous picture" "Scenery/lake.img">> etc.

but what if I want a "universal" macro with usage like:

<<gofolder "text to show" "Folder" "MySubfolder/myfile.txt">>

How can I do that? Or will it become too complex? Actually I can do with 
the separate ones, but was just curious if it is possible to make it into 

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