> From EditTextWidget:
> "One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget cannot be used to 
> edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the 
> tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text 
> field."
> ...
> "In short the EditTextWidget can not change properties of the tiddler it 
> is embedded in or part of. It can only change fields of other tiddlers."
> What this means in your specific example is since your EditTextWidget and 
> the field that your are editing are in your DataEntry tiddler, it will 
> force a refresh of the EditTextWidget with every keystroke ... even if you 
> transclude it into another tiddler. You are best to tweak your DataEntry 
> EditTextWidget with tiddler=DataStorage so that the widget is in the 
> DataEntry tiddler and the field being edited is in DataStorage tiddler.
> For sure, it is an annoying limitation and an easy trap to fall in 
> considering that the default tiddler for the widget is currentTiddler but 
> once you get things working, it is easy problem to avoid. I banged my head 
> on this one for a while.
> /Mike

"Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the 
cursor position within the text field". - yep, that's exactly what happens.

Buuuut... how to update the fields of the TARGET Tiddler?.. How to chose 
the title of the tiddler I want to change the field values?? Change it 
manually EVERY TIME changind the name of "DataStorage" tiddler to the 
needed one? Then - what's the point??? It makes it absolutely useless this 

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