If you are trying to create a form, I figured the easiest approach was to 
just store the data of your form on a data tiddler. All this can then be 
done while giving complete flexibility on different field types. If you 
create a form template and then use that template to create new tiddlers 
using {{||template}} that should just work.

Code below shows examples of various HTML field types :

\define db() $(currentTiddler)$-db
\define dbformstate() $(currentTiddler)$-formstate

\define ToggleEditFld(formName, tagValue, fieldType, fieldName, helpText)
<$reveal type="nomatch" stateTitle=<<dbformstate>> stateIndex="$formName$" 
<$tiddler tiddler=<<db>>>{{##$formName$-$fieldName$}}</$tiddler> 
<$reveal type="match" stateTitle=<<dbformstate>> stateIndex="$formName$" 
<$edit-text tiddler=<<db>> tag=$tagValue$  type=$fieldType$ 
<button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-help" title="$helpText$" 
{{|| $:/core/images/help}}

\define ToggleEditBtn(formName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" stateTitle=<<dbformstate>> stateIndex="$formName$" 
<$button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" setTitle=<<dbformstate>> 
setIndex="$formName$"  setTo="show">Edit</$button>
<$reveal type="match" stateTitle=<<dbformstate>> stateIndex="$formName$" 
<$button type="button" class="btn btn-success" setTitle=<<dbformstate>> 
setIndex="$formName$"  setTo="hide">Save</$button>


|thead-primary table-caption-top|k
|''URL Field'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 input url dt_url "Enter 
[[Sometext|http://www.google.com]] to display Sometext as hyperlink for 
URL: https://www.google.com";>> | <<ToggleEditBtn form1>> |
|''Work Email Address'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 input email 
work_email_address "Enter Email">> |~|
|''Other Email Address'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 input email 
other_email_address "Enter other Email">> |~|
|''Home Phone Number'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 input tel home_phone_number 
"Enter Home phone">> |~|
|''Cell Phone Number'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 input tel cell_phone_number 
"Enter Cell phone">> |~|
|''Start Date'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 input date start_date "Enter Start 
Date">> |~|
|''Colour'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 input color form_colour "Select 
Colour">> |~|
|''Blurb'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 textarea textarea blurb "Type <br> to 
display break between lines">> |~|
|''Single Line Input'' |<<ToggleEditFld form1 input text single_line_input 
"Some one line text">> |~|


|thead-primary table-caption-top|k
|''URL Field'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 input url dt_url "Enter 
[[Sometext|http://www.google.com]] to display Sometext as hyperlink for 
URL: https://www.google.com";>> |
|''Work Email Address'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 input email 
work_email_address "Enter Email">> |
|''Other Email Address'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 input email 
other_email_address "Enter other Email">> |
|''Home Phone Number'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 input tel home_phone_number 
"Enter Home phone">> |
|''Cell Phone Number'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 input tel cell_phone_number 
"Enter Cell phone">> |
|''Start Date'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 input date start_date "Enter Start 
Date">> |
|''Colour'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 input color form_colour "Select 
Colour">> |
|''Blurb'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 textarea textarea blurb "Type <br> to 
display break between lines">> |
|''Single Line Input'' |<<ToggleEditFld form2 input text single_line_input 
"Some one line text">> |
|>| ~o~ |<|
|>| <<ToggleEditBtn form2>> |<|


<$set name="formNamevar" value="form3">

|thead-primary table-caption-top|k
|''URL Field'' |<$macrocall $name="ToggleEditFld" formName=<<formNamevar>> 
tagValue="input" fieldType="url" fieldName="dt_url" helpText="Enter 
[[Sometext|http://www.google.com]] to display Sometext as hyperlink for 
URL: https://www.google.com"; /> |
|''Work Email Address'' |<$macrocall $name="ToggleEditFld" 
formName=<<formNamevar>> tagValue="input" fieldType="email" 
fieldName="work_email_address" helpText="Enter Email" /> |
|>| ~o~ |<|
|>| <$macrocall $name="ToggleEditBtn" formName="form3" /> |<|


This will display like so:

The main thing to notice is if you want to create a new field in an 
existing form, you need to use following macro call with new parameters:

<<ToggleEditFld form2 input url dt_url "Enter 
[[Sometext|http://www.google.com]] to display Sometext as hyperlink for 
URL: https://www.google.com";>>


<$macrocall $name="ToggleEditFld" formName="form1" tagValue="input" 
fieldType="url" fieldName="dt_url" helpText="Enter 
[[Sometext|http://www.google.com]] to display Sometext as hyperlink for 
URL: https://www.google.com"; /> 

The second option is better as that explains the parameters better and can 
allow passing the formname as a variable if it is a big form with lot of 

On Friday, 3 July 2020 13:54:39 UTC+1, Jake wrote:
>> I didn't follow the intricacies of this thread but to make something 
>> appear/disappear with the click of a button you can use the RevealWidget 
>> <https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#RevealWidget> as described here (see 
>> section "Accordion or Slider") OR, since you refer to it as a "template" 
>> then maybe that means it si something that has a critical tag for it to 
>> enable/disable it, in which case you can use e.g the CheckBoxWidget 
>> <https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#CheckboxWidget>to toggle that tag.
> Yeah, thanks Mat! That works. I dunno how I missed that.
> <$button set="$:/state/DataReveal" setTo="show">Data Input</$button>
> <$button set="$:/state/DataReveal" setTo="hide">Hide</$button>
> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/DataReveal" text="show">
> {{||DataInput}}
> </$reveal>
> It even works within a macro. At first had some troubles because of double 
> nested transclution. Changed of of the transclutions into macro and all 
> went nicely.

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