> You can use nested $list widgets, like this:
> Genre:
> <$list filter="[tag[genre]]" variable="genre">
>    <$list filter="[<currentTiddler>tag<genre>]">
>       <$link to=<<genre>>/>,
>    </$list>
> </$list>
> The outer $list gets each tiddler tagged with genre.
> The inner $list checks if the current tiddler has that genre as a tag
Yay! This one works!.. now I need some time to process what is happenning 
inside... :) 

| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  

|   Thanks a lot, Eric!  |

|_______ __|

(\__/) || 

(•ㅅ•) || 

/ づ  

Once again, I doubt that I could have figured it out by myself...

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