Glad to have you around again. There are some wonderful improvements to 
tiddlywiki you will enjoy. Do not hesitate to ask in the forums because a 
number of barriers and limitations do not exist anymore. 

I notice that your solution replaces the the search in the sidebar segment. 
Its smart how you hide the existing one to present your own. I just wanted 
to share a technique I discovered recently that may suit you. In part 
because it allows multiple solutions that would otherwise clash when they 
alter the advanced search can let them co-exist.

I am building a solution called "Advanced Search indicators", basically it 
monitors the content of the temporary search field $:/temp/search and 
displays  buttons according to its contents. One being if a tiddler by the 
current temp value does not exist provide a click to create button. This 
has the advantage of leaving the advanced search alone but responding 
intelligently to its content. It does not presently provide the additional 
new tiddler customisation's your solution does. 

In fact I would like to see if your solution can be integrated with search 
indicators as well, they should be able to as it stands because "Advanced 
Search indicators" does not alter the advanced search and yours does, 
however if someone else enhances the advanced search it will most likely 
clash with your solution.

Perhaps this proves useful

TW Tones AKA TonyM

On Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 1:35:22 AM UTC+10, JD wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I missed being here. I hope you're all doing well during these hard times!
> I updated my *NTFS* plugin with some added features. Mainly, the ability 
> to set some fields while creating the tiddler from the sidebar searchbar. 
> For example, the search term:
> It's cloudy today #[[dreaming of fish]] #notes &[[Today's thought]]
> Will create the following tiddler:
> Title: Today's thought
> Tags: [[dreaming of fish]] notes
> Text: It's cloudy today
> This plugin also accommodates the creation of journal tiddlers.
> The demo and plugin page is here: 
> *http://j.d.ntfs22.tiddlyspot.com/* <http://j.d.ntfs22.tiddlyspot.com/>
> Take care, everyone!
> - jd

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