For a simple internal button for a svg with activation of a svg 
element/animation without having to use button widget.

(haven't been at the computer enough to type up the explanation for 
tattered tiddlers but this little gem I was able to type up, sneak peek at 
tattered tiddlers below)

In code below the <!-- trigger button --> has an unique id (startButton) 
that the <!-- animated rectangle --> animate element 
begin="" attribute will use to activate the animation with 
the trigger button click.

In attached example tiddler, button activates a bar graph block that grows 
from 0 seconds to 8 seconds the minimum, maximum scale marks on the graph.

Any svg shape can be made into a button.  Appears that a button controls 
one element/group/animation ot animation chain.

Use case: having invisible svg markings or annotations over a embedded 
image, foreign object (for a tiddler or iframe) that will appear when the 
internal svg button is clicked.  Another example: an embedded Google map in 
an foreign object iframe with an invisible route that becomes visible with 
a button click

svg code from MDN svg animate begin attribute

<svg width="120" height="120"  viewBox="0 0 120 120" 
xmlns=""; version="1.1" 
<rect x="0" y="0" height="120" width="120" style="fill:black;stroke:none;" 
<!-- animated rectangle -->
<rect x="10" y="35" height="15" width="0" style="stroke:white;">
    <animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="width" from="0" to="100" 
begin="" dur="8s" fill="freeze" /></rect>
<!-- trigger button -->
<rect id="startButton" x="19.5" y="62.5" rx="5" height="25" width="80" 
style="cursor:pointer;fill:purple;stroke:white;stroke-width:1;" />
<text x="60" y="80" 
style="fill:white;text-anchor:middle;pointer-events:none;">Click me.</text>
<!-- grid -->
<g  style="fill:white;"><text x="10" y="20" text-anchor="middle">0s</text>
<line x1="10" y1="25" x2="10" y2="55" style="stroke:white;stroke-width:.5;" 
<text x="35" y="20" text-anchor="middle">2s</text>
<line x1="35" y1="25" x2="35" y2="55" style="stroke:white;stroke-width:.5;" 
<text x="60" y="20" text-anchor="middle">4s</text>
<line x1="60" y1="25" x2="60" y2="55" style="stroke:white;stroke-width:.5;" 
<text x="85" y="20" text-anchor="middle">6s</text>
<line x1="85" y1="25" x2="85" y2="55" style="stroke:white;stroke-width:.5;" 
<text x="110" y="20" text-anchor="middle">8s</text>
<line x1="110" y1="25" x2="110" y2="55" 
style="stroke:white;stroke-width:.5;" />
<line x1="10" y1="30" x2="110" y2="30" 
style="stroke:white;stroke-width:.5;" />
<line x1="10" y1="55" x2="110" y2="55" 
style="stroke:white;stroke-width:.5;" /></g>

[image: parch1.jpg]

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Attachment: svg click event.tid
Description: Binary data

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